Friday 16 September 2011

introductions : new blog :)

So im changing my blog. I completely screwed this up and didnt even write in it so its time for a fresh start!
Hello my name is joanna, Im naturally pale and slightly ginger, i guess you could call it 'strawberry blonde' or 'golden blonde' whatever. i like ginger! :).
I am addicted to updating my wardrobe and make up bag! . i LOVE clothes shopping and spending money. which is a shame, because i dont exactly have a lot of it! Im sure i was meant to be rich... it just hasnt happened yet! but im sure we all feel like that! 
Im in love with nail varnish. I am addicted to barry m. I have to tear myself away from the barry m stand in superdrug!
and i love baking. I went on a baking binge on sunday and batched three lots of cupcakes, half of them still havent even been eaten, i just enjoy baking them!

anyway now you know a bit about me. Im going to try update this thing regurlarly. Id like something to do when i log onto the pc other than stare at my facebook homepage thinking 'im bored' but not doing anything! (which is becoming a really bad habit every time i have any spare time to myself that i need to get out of!)

mwah xx

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Smile big
I havent blogged in an age :( bad joanna! i dont even have an excuse as ive only been sitting on my bum doing nothing! lol. However i have had a few trips to the metro centre lately! to window shop haha. 
I picked up a leaflet in superdrug about a beauty school with Barry M! on Thursday 21st & Thursday 18th April. All you have to do is sign up to go on the website choose a time and get there early. It sounds pretty cool! I may have to sign up if i can find someone to come do it with me. I Would love to try out some Barry M stuff. Ive never really had the chance yet! Oh apart from the new nail varnishes that i have been bumming lately!!

Eat Sweet
I recently tried Tapas for the first time and i must say i am in love!!! Its so yummy! I could actually live at El "whatsitcalled" in the Metro Centre in the mediteranian village bit with all the food places! So gorgeous :)
Me and my friend got a sharing platter and we got a chicken and pepper dish in a creamy sauce (which was my choice) some potatoe croutons with ham and cheese to share and a meatball dish with tomatoe sauce (his choice) and shared chips salad and a bread basket. It was so good i went back like the next day with my other friend !!
 I bought some really tiny ting cake cases recently too which i have been dying to use. must bake some mini cakes soon!! And a lot of new silicone baking equipment which B&M bargains have started stocking. I was in the pound shop the other day too and they have also started stocking silicone bake ware! :) 

 Dress Splendid
I have not done a lot of this recently! i have been living in my baggy tshirts and pj bottoms! haha. however i went out last weekend and got some gorgeous baggy flowery pants for the occasion! From River Island. They are beautiful. I looked a bit like a hippy and they were far too long but i had to have them. My mam and her fantastic sewing skills took them up a tiny bit for me so they wouldnt trail the ground (with my heels on... they still train the ground a lot without them!). I teamed them with a plain black vest top, a cute owl necklace and some smokey eyes. I was rather proud. 
I have also been living in Barry M nailvarnish at the minute! I stopped wearing nail varnish for a long time as i find my nails are better without it. but when i heard about Barry M nail effects i just had to try it! and i am in love :). I have the black one, but i cant wait to splash out on the other colours too. 

Tuesday 22 March 2011

size 12 jeans for sale
Miss Selfridge and river Island

Hello Hello!

Smile big!

So I went to the lake district for a week from the 10th March. It certainly made me smile. I LOVE it over there its fabulous. Its so cute. I visited the south lakes zoo, did an 8 mile walk through grizedale forest and to hawkshead, a 9 mile walk around derwent water, clambered up latrigg and held some owls! Not all in one day of course. It was lovely.

Eat Sweet

I had some lovely meals over there, The thing i ate that stands out the most has to be bree wedges though! Im not a huge cheese fan and usually stick to chedder. But There were amazing! They were big wedges of Bree coated in batter! which sounds odd but honestlyt tasted delightful! <3
 also whilst over there and cosying up watching tv on a night i seen an advert for a new baking magazine that comes with silicone utensils! i totally want to start getting it and making things from it and collect them all!

Dress Splendid

I didnt do much of this over there i must say, It was a week of my purple burghouse rain coat and tracksuit bottoms teamed with hiking trainers and a roxy backpack... not a look i prefer to wear every day!! I certainly looked amusing.
However there are some lovely little delights hidden in the big oxfam in keswick! i love it there. I spotted a lovely red patterened floated summery dress. However when i went back to get it, it was gone :( typical!

There are some lovely little summery dresses in Dorothy Perkins at the minute! Its a shame i cannot afford anything at the minute!

I have a few pairs of jeans i may sell... Ive hardley worn them because they are a bit too big as they are a size 12! One is from river Island and the other two pairs from Miss Selfridge.


Sunday 6 March 2011

films films films

Smile big

So on Thursday i did something i haven't done in a long time, i had a cinema day with my friend Laura. We both have cinema pass's and hadn't seen a lot of films that we wanted to see so we decided to see three films in a row! I love doing this.

We went to see No strings attatched first, which was your typical cheesey girly romantic comedy! I loved it. Natelie portman is beautiful and Ashton Kutcher isn't that shabby either! They did well. I enjoyed the story line too, the whole friends with benefits thing. It was funny. Of course it ended in the typical way of a romantic comedy to end. but im glad of that! I will allways love cheese.

We then went to see the fighter, which was a more serious film but it was still quite upbeat. The fighting scenes at the end were pretty intense, it gave you this real desire to be a fighter! Me and Laura came out wanting to punch people... not sure if this is good or just strange! haha. It certainly got us pumped!

We then went to see the black swan. which is something i have been meaning to go see for ages but just hadn't gotten around to it yet. It was amazing. It creeped me out, disturbed me and made me squeel and cringe like a girl. I didn't realise it was going to be creepy so that was a bit of a shock, i rarely ever go to see creepy films anymore as im a wimp when it comes to that sort of thing. I had assumed it would be all ballet dancing and lesbien scenes as that is what i had heard, however the weird disturbing scenes are what stood out the most to me. It has a lot of nails (fingers and toes) falling off etc and blood and strange characters and hallucinations. It gave you this weird feeling when you left, that not everything could be as it seems. It made me think.. for instance what if right now im not doing what i think i am, im just hallucinating or going mad! ahhh! thinking could drive me insane!

So yes this was my thursday! I enjoyed it and it made me smile! (despite black swan driving me crazy) They are all definately films i would watch again! Cinema pass well used!

Toodlepip x

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Dress Splendid
I was looking through some of my friend Katie's facebook photographs today and noticed this cute little cardigan! i have now added it to my want list!

I love birds!

I also noticed this one online on the debenhams website too!


Oh how i love Henry holland's funky print design's!

toodlepip x

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Dress Splendid

So here we are, My first official blog post! I know its only tuesday so its quite early in the week but i just know that this is what i would end up writing about for this section of my blog so i just had to do it early.
It was my birthday early last month and to my delight i recieved one of the most beautiful bag's and i absolutely love showing it off. It makes any outfit look so much better and im addicted to taking it everywhere!

 Taadaa! (River Island, I think £50 but it was a gift
so im unsure and can't find it online anymore)
This photo is terrible and doesnt do her much justice but isn't she beautiful? Just so light and perfect for spring/summer yet the knit can carry on into the other seasons too! I love the feathers they add a touch of pretty detail. I am a fond believer of big bag's as i tend to take everything plus the kitchen sink with me everywhere lol. So this bag is perfect. It has little pockets inside for your phone and keys etc and the zipped pocket for all your lady bits!

It's hard to go back to using any other bag for every day use but i may have too as this one is so pretty and being cream i don't want to get it dirty!

So yes, this is definately my favourite item that i own at the moment, However today i stumbled accross a a few pretty little items that i would love to invest in (If only i had the cash!). I was down shields a tad early for my jobcentre appointment and decided to window shop to pass some time when i came across these:
(Red Herring, Black poppy print dress £28.00)
I love it!
Its so cute for the summer or a holiday!
or even a few drinks! 

(Debenhams Beach collection, £6)
This cute little 3 tone striped bikini top
You can get the metching bottoms for £6 too
or online they are both reduced to £4.80

(New Look, Longline Cardigan, £17.99)
You can also get this in cream khaki and navy but i think this colour will be lovely in the summer when the sun is out over a cute little dress 
instead of carrying a coat everywhere i just love cute cardigans in the summer! (because in south shields you can trust that it will get breezy at some point no matter how hot it is)

So yeah those are my current must haves! Maybe if i find a job soon! I can wish for now though! 

toodlepip x

Monday 28 February 2011

Welcome to my blog,
My name is Joanna and im 22
I have wanted to start a blog for a while but i have been faffing on and putting it off so here i am! finally. I was unsure what to write about and couldnt choose just one thing! (as i am just so indecisive!) So i have decided that to begin with, once a week i am going to write about: 
  1. One thing that week that has made me "smile big". This can be anything.
  2. One thing sweet and delicious that i have consumed, wether i have made it myself or eaten out.
  3. Finally an item of clothing, bag, shoes or make-up that i have worn and particularly liked or one im desperate to have!

My entry's will most likely take place at the end of the week, giving me the chance to collect some photo's and decide what to write about :]

Toodlepip x