Friday 16 September 2011

introductions : new blog :)

So im changing my blog. I completely screwed this up and didnt even write in it so its time for a fresh start!
Hello my name is joanna, Im naturally pale and slightly ginger, i guess you could call it 'strawberry blonde' or 'golden blonde' whatever. i like ginger! :).
I am addicted to updating my wardrobe and make up bag! . i LOVE clothes shopping and spending money. which is a shame, because i dont exactly have a lot of it! Im sure i was meant to be rich... it just hasnt happened yet! but im sure we all feel like that! 
Im in love with nail varnish. I am addicted to barry m. I have to tear myself away from the barry m stand in superdrug!
and i love baking. I went on a baking binge on sunday and batched three lots of cupcakes, half of them still havent even been eaten, i just enjoy baking them!

anyway now you know a bit about me. Im going to try update this thing regurlarly. Id like something to do when i log onto the pc other than stare at my facebook homepage thinking 'im bored' but not doing anything! (which is becoming a really bad habit every time i have any spare time to myself that i need to get out of!)

mwah xx

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