Tuesday 12 June 2012

Snow white and the huntsman, Monday shopping,

I went to see snow white and the huntsman at the cinema on sunday. It was amazeballs!!!!!
Really enjoyed it
I am not a massive fan of kristen stewert. so i was a bit dubvious as to wether id enjoy it. but i really did! and she was actually alright in it.
I wont say much about the story as i dont want to apoil anything, not that anyone reads this... :)
but it was reeeaaaally good. the effects were great and the scenery was beautiful

Monday i went through to sunderland,
Im loving plaits at the moment. so this is how ive been wearing my hair :)

 Bought some lovely Coral 3/4 skinny jeans from topshop and some new brown brogue shoes from primarni. because my ones that i bought around a year ago are starting to deteriate as you can sort of see above and i wear them practically all of the time. and a pack of two skinny belts from river island. one plain tan and one leopard looking. thats my haul for the month. Along with some stuff i ordered online thats yet to come :P.

I also came home with this:
If you love the muppets id seriously consider taking up on the offer in the disney shop at the minute! the dvd bag and kermit for £20 or the blu ray bag and kermit for £25 :)
Now i have a walter and a kermit yay :D

If anyone loves the bear factory, like i do. you must go in there at the minute! they currently have new under the sea creatures and clothes. they are amazing. they have a pink octopus :D a seahorse and a turtle. they are fab! and a hat that is a shark so it looks like the shark is biting the head when you put it on lol
:D Im such a child at heart.

My Graze box also arrived on monday :D
(two spaces are empty because they have already been devoured lol)
In it came apple and cinnamon flapjacks which you can see there, Fruit and nutcase which contains raisons, chocolate and hazelnuts nom. some BBQ pistachio;s which have been eaten and some lemon oatcakes with honey dip! yum.  I cant wait until next weeks to see what arrives.
If anyone wants to try one for free i have some voucher codes :) you just sign up for it and you can cancel at any time so just cancel after your free one comes if you dont like it, It's great you can choose what you like and what you dont like so they never send you that.

Anyhooo, really need to curb the spending now :( after this month i have to start saving up. urgh. i hate saving money im just never any good at it! but it has to be done!


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