Wednesday 27 June 2012

Tattooooooooooooo :)

Adventure is out there :)
My brand new UP tattoo <3

Its still a little sore! but didnt hurt as much as i thought it would at all. was just the same as getting my lyrics on the side of my ribs :)

I went shopping and bought this earlier in the week to make me happy

I love anything with studs on <3 so i seen this and fell in love!
I also bought a lovely dress but i havent gotten round to taking a photo yet :) 

Off to the pictures tonight :) havent been in what feels like ages.

completely finished all of my college work and handed it all in, so i dont have to go in today though i think im still gunna have a wander over soon and see everyone


Monday 25 June 2012

tattoooo and college

Getting a foot tattoo later. flip!
Nervous! its meant to sting on the foot.
but im brave ! ...... lol

I wish someone was coming with meeeeeeee :( gunna be alone and scary! eek.

Its a qoute from UP :)
which is one of my favourite disney films.

I am excited. been up since 5am and couldn't get back to sleep. only now when its 7am and my alarm has gone off to get up and ready for college am i tired again! typical! haha. ah well nothing a cuppa won't sort? :)

Its also my hand in day at college today. My printer has no ink, how irritating. so gotta print off all my work in the library, cant wait to just print it and get it all handed in, woop! cant wait to be done for the 6 weeks and just reeeeelax! Hope i get onto level 3, fingers crossed.

bought some new clothes the other day, will probably do a proper post later


Friday 22 June 2012

vivienne westwood, graduating nails :)


I got some shoes in the post earlier in the week.
ebay is my wonderful friend <3
vivienne westwood <3
I cant tell if they are real or fake or whatever but i like them and tbh i couldnt care for a fraction of the price lol :) there pretty and comfy and make me happy so thats all that matters right?  lol :)

I am in love with vivienne westwood shoes at the moment, i really want these two pairs there luuuuush

But since they are waaaay too expensive i will just have to keep dreaming! Maybe one day when i win the lottory :P

 Tried my hand at graduating nails this morning from one colour to another... its a bit messy but for a first attempt i like it :)

I miss painting my nails all funky, we arent supposed to wear nail varnish at work unless its 'natural' so i dont paint them as much anymore since i forget to take it off, but i love funky nail varnish it gives my nails a bit personality instead of being boring. so i chose these colours to brighten up my day :)
i think next i may have a go at splatter nails or water marbling :)
or using crystals on one nail or something :)

 i finish my level 2 nvq in hairdressing next week! cant wait.
Ive still got 10 case studies to write, i typed up 8 of them last night after work, ended up staying up until half 2 in the morning, but i just couldnt sleep knowing i needed to do them so i had to get some out of the way. Im going to try and do the others now. I wish i had taken photographs of everything that id done, il remember that for my level 3. because finding suitable pictures on the internet is harder than i thought!

ah whey, i best get typing, urgh!!! someone do it for me? ha.


Friday 15 June 2012


How depressing is the rain :( Im already feeling misarable lately without the weather matching my mood. bring back the sunshine please

Went to see prometheus on wednesday.
I hadnt seen any of the alien films until recently when they were in asda for £8 on blu ray! for the whole set. so i watched them before seeing prometheus.
It was soooooooooooooooooo good. Brilliant. really enjoyed how it linked into alien.
It was actually a little scary too!
but then i guess the others were probably a little scary in their time so it makes sense!

thats about all ive been up to though apart from college, only need two more assessments now and im done :) well apart from having to type up all of my case studies but that should be easy, i hope!

and work. urgh. siiick of working late nights all the time. and its only going to get worse. but i need the money so il just have to suck it up and get on with it!
least until im fully qualified next year.


Tuesday 12 June 2012

Snow white and the huntsman, Monday shopping,

I went to see snow white and the huntsman at the cinema on sunday. It was amazeballs!!!!!
Really enjoyed it
I am not a massive fan of kristen stewert. so i was a bit dubvious as to wether id enjoy it. but i really did! and she was actually alright in it.
I wont say much about the story as i dont want to apoil anything, not that anyone reads this... :)
but it was reeeaaaally good. the effects were great and the scenery was beautiful

Monday i went through to sunderland,
Im loving plaits at the moment. so this is how ive been wearing my hair :)

 Bought some lovely Coral 3/4 skinny jeans from topshop and some new brown brogue shoes from primarni. because my ones that i bought around a year ago are starting to deteriate as you can sort of see above and i wear them practically all of the time. and a pack of two skinny belts from river island. one plain tan and one leopard looking. thats my haul for the month. Along with some stuff i ordered online thats yet to come :P.

I also came home with this:
If you love the muppets id seriously consider taking up on the offer in the disney shop at the minute! the dvd bag and kermit for £20 or the blu ray bag and kermit for £25 :)
Now i have a walter and a kermit yay :D

If anyone loves the bear factory, like i do. you must go in there at the minute! they currently have new under the sea creatures and clothes. they are amazing. they have a pink octopus :D a seahorse and a turtle. they are fab! and a hat that is a shark so it looks like the shark is biting the head when you put it on lol
:D Im such a child at heart.

My Graze box also arrived on monday :D
(two spaces are empty because they have already been devoured lol)
In it came apple and cinnamon flapjacks which you can see there, Fruit and nutcase which contains raisons, chocolate and hazelnuts nom. some BBQ pistachio;s which have been eaten and some lemon oatcakes with honey dip! yum.  I cant wait until next weeks to see what arrives.
If anyone wants to try one for free i have some voucher codes :) you just sign up for it and you can cancel at any time so just cancel after your free one comes if you dont like it, It's great you can choose what you like and what you dont like so they never send you that.

Anyhooo, really need to curb the spending now :( after this month i have to start saving up. urgh. i hate saving money im just never any good at it! but it has to be done!


Saturday 9 June 2012

Lancome :)

So yesterday i got a nice parcel through the post, I figured i would treat myself to some nice make up since i had managed to save up a fair bit and not spend as much as usual. :P kind of defeats the point i know but what is life without nice little treats now and then?
(ignore the state of my desk! its due a good clean. make up everywhere haha)

So i got some lancome make up through the post. i purchased the Long lasting softening concealer spf 12 number 01 for around my eyes (as im siiiick of having nasty purple bags all the time! no matter how much sleep i get they never dissapear) and Rouge in Love lipstick in 159B which is also called rouge in love. Ive been after a red lipstick for ages, I have never really been able to pull off red but i think ive always just gone for red's that are way to dark or toooo red. Im actually really happy with this lipstick, It feels nice on and has rather good staying power! Im still unsure as to wether i suit it but i think it makes my complexion look nice. as your drawn to the lips rather than any little imperfections/spots i have.

I also got some freebies, some Hypnose Mascara which im also wearing above and i loooove it. another red lippy called L'absolu rouge in 132 i think which is practically the same just a tiny bit more red and less pinky.  some Tresor midnight rose perfume which is lovely and some visionaire which im yet to try, my skin is sensitive and break's out very easily so im always a bit wary trying things out on my face. but i will give it a go.

Today i went into shields with my mam and she had some boots vouchers to use off No 7 make up and fragrences along with points vouchers for her boots car so we went crazy! haha. well not really crazy she treat herself to amergie perfume (her favourite) and then i got some under eye overnight revitalising balm  which will supposidly improve dark circles and puffiness (we will see!) and some concealer and she got some lippy, as the No7 was also conveniently on 3 for 2! lol :P 

anyways :)
got to get ready for another grueling night at work :P
at least it funds my make up obsession i guess
toodlepip x

Thursday 7 June 2012

Evo 2012 / Julilee / Mam & Aunty Gills birthday

So this weekend it was my mams birthday on sunday and  i went to Evolution Festival at the quayside in Newcastle, It was my first time there and i went because there was some good bands playin. I must say the price has gone up a bit! didnt it used to be free? but now its £35 a ticket? I suppose the calibre of bands playing have gotten better though? maybe.
I got up early and sat downstairs with mammy bear and gave her her presents and card, she liked them woop. i got her a cushoin (my mam loves cushions) from next with Home on the front and decorated with buttons, its rather nice! and a red cup to match our newly decorated kitched (which is lime green with red accessories)  for her cuppa's and a little sign for the hut outside. :) along with some walnut whips. after we'd had some birthday chit chat i had to get ready for evolution,

Im dissapointed to say i didnt really stick out a lot of the festival. I will explain why:
When we were walking to the festival at 12 midday we were met by hoards and hoards of drunken kids with their bum cheeks hanging out and tiny crop tops on stumbling all over and screaming whilst clinging on to bottles of wine and vodka... I kept saying "gosh was i ever like that!?" but i really dont ever remember being like that at all! In fact i didnt drink till i was 17 a two months before my birthday on new year when i went to krash! (well apart from the odd one or two smirnoff ices before that) I can tolerate drunk people, when im out on a night out, in places where your meant to drink, but when its hoards and hoards of underage kids its just irritating.
I felt old. very very old. Maybe i am old? maybe this is me officially becoming old and boring!!
Anyways so we went and immediatly went and bought A drink from the bar (hypocryte much? haha, but at least ours was from the bar... being old enough to drink and what not!) and sat down near the front and watched a few bands, The lake poets who were realy good, Theme Park who were pretty funky, Lulu james who was good had a great voice but wasnt really my thing, and Dog is dead who were catchy. Whilst we sat in anticipation waiting for the beautifull specimen of a man who is Benjiman Francis Leftwhich. I love that man's voice, and it was amazing to hear his voice, and im glad i went just because i got to see him, he made it worthwhile. By time he finished it was Devlin next who to be honest we werent really bothered about so decided to go and get some food at the quayside, we ended up going to a lovely tapas restaurant that ive temporarily forgot the name of. it was luuuush!!!! anyways after that we sat contemplating wether to walk back along and see miles kane, maximo park and dizzee rascal or wether to just go home and have a night out. We ended up decided to just go home and see my mam for her birthday and then go out. Which is no big miss because in all i only know a few miles kane songs, ive never listened to maximo park and yeah dizzee rascal wouldve been good but i can get past it. I think if the festival had hae been a bit more relaxed and chilled i wouldve went back but in all it just wasnt my scene.
 So we headed home for some cake and wine and tv with mammy and daddy bear and a night out on the tiles instead, and what a night it turned out to be haha! ended up pulling out the country and western moves in trocs to achey breaky heart. and dancing my socks off in glitterball! in my fabulous new dress <3 that was a present of the bf.
So yeah i dont regret leaving early at all tbh. Had a really good night.
On Monday i woke up feeling rather ill! i don't go out drinking much anymore at all due to working thursday friday and saturday nights till midnight so when i do go out i allways get absolutely killer hangovers, I just cant deal with alchohol anymore! ended up staying in bed till like 3 in the afternoon Luckily there were no body i was that interested in seeing until Rizzle kicks at 7ish and Noah and the whale at like 8ish. By time i got ready (after numerous times of having to lie down in between doing things haha i dont know how kids do it these days) and by time we got there we got there just in time for Noach and the Whale who i love. Unfortunately we missed Rizzle Kicks but i only know two songs so i wasnt that bummed about it. and Noah and the whale were who i really wanted to see. so we stood and listened to them whilst singing along. They were really good and i cant wait to see them again in June at Bilbao. Then it was either stick around for an hour to for Deadmaus to come on or go to my aunty's Birthday party... so we went to my aunty's birthday party (mainly because i couldnt be chewed with the drunken kids everywhere again! especially with a hangover!) But before we left i had to get a little face paint going on so i got a pretty little flower haha. which i later took a picture off when i eventually got home :) poser that i am haha.
So yeah overall the music at Evolution was really good and i got to see the two acts that i went to see Benjiman francis leftwhich and Noach and the whale, but i wont be returning next year unless someone amazing plays or they dont let drunken 14-17 year olds in.  In all honesty it spoilt the atmosphere.

But i suppose you get that at all festivals, saying that though ive been to download and ive been to t in the park and it was never that bad... it was like being in newcastles version of magaluf with loads of kids. was mental. 

My aunty's birthday party was good though, just chilled with all my family and ate buffet food. got to love buffet food!!! :) One of the best hangover cure's haha. We watched some of the queens jubilee concert and i must say i WANT Jessie J's dress. it was beautifull!!!! I will have to watch the rest of it as i want to see Elton john's performance and of course Tom Jones's he is such a beautifull man!!!!!! <3. i may watch it all on bbc i player tonight before work. Im gutted that im not going to see coldplay tonight!!! and rita ora as support! i love her she's gorgeeeeeeeeous. If i wasnt at work id just go stand near the stadium of light and listen from there haha.

anyhoooo, Got to go post a dress i sold on ebay :)
sorry this blog was slightly ranty in parts! just needed an outlet i suppose haha.

toodlepip x