Sunday 4 November 2012


So i got my first ever GlossyBox last week :)
I have always wanted to try one because i love trying new products etc. so thought id suscribe for 3 months for myself for christmas :) as i wont be able to treat myself to much else with all the present buying going on! haha

this was what was in my glossybox :)
Yves Rocher - Hydra Vegetal Instant Anti-Wrinkle moisturizer
The Organic Pharmacy Enzyme Peel Mask
Sally Hanson Complete Salon Manicure in Calypso Blue
Skinetica Anti-Blemish
Anatomicals Don't clean it woman, scrub it body scrub

the Yves Rocher anti-wrinkle moisturizer has come in handy since im starting to notice small wrinkles around my eyes :( ever since i started to use the sun beds, ive stopped using them now.  Im living by the rule Embrace the pale! :) i always like being pale in winter anyway. Ive only used this a few times and i cant say ive noticed much but it definately feels nice :)

Havent tried the face peel mask yet... 

Put the nail varnish on todat, must admit i dont normally go for bright shiny blue's but im impressed with this nail varnish! it dries quickly, covers in two coats and claims to be a 5 step manicure in one : base coat strengthener, growth treatment, colour & top coat! so no wasting extra time with base coats and top coats and waiting ages for each to dry etc! Brilliant :) I will see how long it holds out, my nail varnish normally chips within a day haha. im not very careful with my hands!
I will have to take it off tomorrow night for work anyways.
I have actually quite grown to the colour, it looks nice and shiny and is quite fitting for november and the month of fireworks i think.

Ive been using the skinetica for a few days due to having a few of the dreaded 'period' spots left over from last week, and i must admit they have gotten fainter but not really sure if its due to this or just due to a few days passing. il keep using it and decide wether to buy some more. Its only 6.99 a bottle so might do if it does the trick.

Havent used the body scrub yet but it smells amazing!! i love pink grapefruit <3
and i quite like the witty name :)

been feeling a little down again recently, but have decided to live by this qoute
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, It's about learning to dance in the rain."

My brother is doing Movember this year, i love Movember!!! i absolutely LOVE mustaches.

My granda ted always had a mustache
He was one of the best men in the world.
When im old i want my husband to have a mustache and a flat cap. please. 

Thursday 1 November 2012

October :)

Pinch and a punch for the first of the month!
October is over
cant believe how fast the months are passing!
warning, lots of pictures in this blog :)

What have i been upto?
well i went to london early in the month, I am in love with Harrods and all the beautiful things inside that i couldn't afford. and the fact that the tesco express there sells krispy kreme doughnuts meaning that i got staff discount on them! haha :D
 qiute pleased with this picture! :)

My mam found a tomato on our tomato plant that is shaped like a duck! :)
she is convinced it could win some form of tomato contest.
i am amazed by it its one of life's little wonders.

 This is a picture of it when it was green and the beak started to go orange! haha :D
its all red now :)

Went out early in the month with my friend laura round shields, had a good night dancing like tards to gangnam style etc



went out for owens birthday to powerhouse which was a really good night, i always have a great night when i go to powerhouse! :)

my hair for the evening :)

 Marshall me courtney and owen
 Aww David and marshall look geet cute here!
 Dont know what im doing here!
 Marshall and his tongue? lol
 Owen and his pink drink :P
I went to see paranorman, madagascar 3 taken 2 and funsize at the cinema :) Paranorman was pretty good. and madagascar 3 i had been waiting for for quite a while because i LOVE the other two, it was really good :) thoroughly enjoyed being reunited with melman and co on another adventure. Im embarassed to say ive never seen taken, but was very impressed with taken 2 so shall definately get myself together and watch it sometime in the near future! who doesn't love a film with Liam neeson in! Funsize was alright too,typical teenage comedy thing set at halloween, funnier than i thought it was gunna be :).

 People who know me will know that i never buy CD's i just use spotify to listen to music. However i did buy this off for 6.99.
It is flipping beautiful.
Im obsessed with it.
i like every single song. Its hard to choose a favourite but i do flipping love 'I Almost Do'
along with 'The Last Time' It has frigging Gary Lightbody in it! and i LOVE snow patrol <3 and its so beautiful!!!
  'All Too Well' 'RED' and 'Stay stay Stay'
I love them all!!!!!
i can relate to pretty much every song on the album. they all bring memories from times when ive felt exactly like that!

i haven't really done much else because for a week and a half of october i've been really ill :( was bed ridden and couldn't eat or anything. was horrible. still gaining my strength back now, if i go out and wander around for too long i get all light headed and woosy and tired.  I forgot how boring being ill is! total waste of nearly two weeks of my life! :(. i did however get to watch a few films when i wasnt sleeping or rushing to the loo! including tangled, 101 dalmations, lady and the tramp, wrath of the titans and Some kind of wonderful. <3. Back to work tomorrow though.

Did manage to get my Halloween assessment done at college though, Used my friend Laura as my model :P. Went in while i was ill thinking i was getting a bit better and nearly passed out while doing this so its not really the best standard it could have been but meh. i had to rush it and leaved and come home and go back to bed!

Its so odd seeing laura looking that gothic! even when i went through my full on goth phase she was going through a nu monkey phase and we were still best friends haha.
looks so odd :P

Went to the pub last night for halloween, didn't really put any effort into dressing up as i hadn't been expecting to go out, so just ended up shoving some cat ears and a tail on with normal clothes and did my make up a little more gothic than normal. Was nice to see people after being ill and feeling like i hadn't in so long. took a walk along to trocs afterwards just to perve on people's outfits, seen someone dressed as Bane standing outside and instantly knew id seen the best outfit of the night! it was amazing, i wish i could have slyly taken a photograph! didn't bother going in to trocs though, went to get a kebab wrap (yes the girl who hates kebab and thinks its disgusting now likes kebab wraps) with garlic sauce and went home to bed :)

Also yesterday i made some Halloween Cupcakes!
Somebody once said that i NEVER make a good old chocolate cupcake, so i did and they are scrumptious. wish i could give him one!
Of course i stuck to halloween as my theme and made green butter icing and stuck haribo halloween sweets on top hehe :)
I was prancing about to the RED album as i made them haha :)

and that brings us to today! sitting in my pjs in bed typing this, going to get up now and try do something with my day off since its half term so no college! Considering krispy kreme doughnuts and christmas shopping... hmmm.

Love x

Tuesday 18 September 2012

National cupcake week! 2012

So i was bored yesterday, and stumbled upon the fact its national cupcake week on twitter! so decided to make some cupcakes :)

i always make vanilla cupcakes, so decided to do something different but didnt want to go out and buy ingredients so hunted through my cake book for something that i had all the ingredients for. The result was ameretto cupcakes!! :)

 i took some pictures while i cooked :)
mix mix mix!
 cooooking :)
 (the ones at the back were in the bottom oven and burnt a bit because i left it on hotter than the top one ooooopsiiiieeee!! they still tastes lush tho!)
 ameretto buttercream! mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
 i decorates them with some chopped almonds :)

the finished result :) nom!!!

Got the recipe from the primrose bakery cupcake book :)
they were scrumptious!

Trying to think of other things ive been doing recently!
went to the metro centre with my friend Jamie and raided Krispy Kreme!! :D so flipping good!

Got Lady and the Tramp on blue ray! <3 free with my disney movie rewards that id collected from other films :D

 Went to my favourite little haven (Cafe Caban!) with jamie for a caramel latte and some chocolate cake

where he lent me Warrior (tom hardy is such a beautiful man!) and gave me a copy of avengers <3

OOOOh that reminds me that i went to see Lawless, such a good film! really gruesome at some parts and i had to look away at some bits, and parts made me cringe but in a good way! really flipping brilliant :). (and of course tom hardy  in cardigans was an added bonus ;) ) i love films set a while ago :).

Ive been wearing my hair all pinned up a lot recently as im sick of waiting for it to grow :)

its messy but i like it :)

oooooooooo bought my new winter coat (im such a fan of coats! i love having nice coats... i feel that at winter you spend so much time choosing what to wear then end up covering it all up with a coat! so it has to be a nice one :)) Its a green parka style coat with a furr hood from Miss selfridge <3 i love it!

Obviously i wont wear it allll the time as i like to have choice :PIll still wear my pea green granny coat from topshop <3 and my beautiful leather numbers, and my gorgeous furr coat with ears from last christmas!! ahhhh <3
Coats are the only thing i like about winter!

thats pretty much all i have for now.
Ordered some new make up from ELF and got that the other day but havent really had much of a chance to try it etc, apart from one of the lipsticks which is a really nice colour :) happy with it!


Wednesday 25 July 2012

Holiday etc

bit of a delay with this post
Went to Bilbao on the 10th for 8 days :)
went to bilbao bbk live.
Top bands were : Snow Patrol, Mumford and Sons, Keane and Sum41 :)
Also seen Ben Howard, The Cure, Radiohead, Garbage and a few spanish bands.
Was a really good festival, everything id close together once you get on site and its nice to not have to walk for ages to get around, food was reasonably priced and so were the drinks :).

Overall the holiday had some disasterous moments. but i cba to go into detail.
to cut it short, one friend got mugged at the begining, we had to sleep in an airport car park the last night and one friend got left in brussels n missed the connecting flight. so yeh.

But the Place we went was lovely and i got to go to the guigenhiem art museum which was fantastic. I love David Hockney and he currently has an exhibition on there! which was fabulous. But i wasnt allowed to take any photos which i found out after getting wrong ha.

i did however take some photographs of some sculptures which were around the outside of the museum :)

dunno what else to say really

Got another new leather jacket, safe to say im addicted to them.
this one is brown :) from Zara. its purdy. will get a picture up at some point lol :)

but as of next month im cutting down on buying new clothes. :( which sucks. but i have too. i need to start saving money!!!

also got some new make up from the airport and over there
bought get even by benefit which i like a lot!
A full size lancome Hypnose volume mascara
and some Hoola  by benefit :)


Saturday 7 July 2012

Week 2 of home Alone :)

So what have i been upto this week,
Tuesday i got up early and hit the river island sale with my friend jamie
I came home with these beauties
A bag
two pairs of shoes
a watch
a belt
a jumper
& a dress

Originally would have came to around £200 but thanks to the sale and my friends lovely wristband for a further 50% off it came to around £80 :)

Later in the day i went to the metro centre with drummer just for something to doo and so he could find some jeans :) We had a KFC.
Found some amazing onesie's in primark. :) There is a monkey, a penguin, two different tigers, and a BATMAN onesie! oh and a girlie donkey and bear in the girls bit :)

Wednesday i went to the metro centre again with Lauren and Joe and we went for a meal at wagammammas. <3. yum. and Lauren got any last minute holiday things she needed and euro's.
I hadnt realised how close bilbao was. We go on tuesday :/ frig!

Thursday i had work & college and work again. Friday i had work then work again, and today? work. :( cant wait for midnight tonight. My parents will be home <3 yay
No more home alone


Monday 2 July 2012

my week

So since ive been off work AND my parents are away, ive had to occupy myself quite a bit this past week.

So on wednesday night after my last day of level 2 hairdressing at college i went to the cinema with Drummer and Jamie to see Abraham Lincoln: Vampire hunter and i must say i actually enjoyed it. it was silly and ridiculous but i like that in a film.

On thursday my friend Laura suggested a trip to kingston park (yes to go to tesco on my day off! i must be mad) So off we tottled. My gosh we couldnt have picked a worse day! We were done then decided to go to lucianos? i think its called for some grub (my gosh id never been before but i must go back! it was absolutely gorgeous italian food nom) and thats when the sky turned black and the bad weather hit. Just after we had gotten our food they had to close the kitchen because it was flooding! when we went back to the car we were a few spaces off getting flooded in but that wasnt even the worst to come! little did we know we had a 5 and a half hour journey ahead of us to get home!! driving through crazy puddle/LAKES lol and being on the tyne bridge just 5 minutes before it got struck by lightening! i seriously cant believe how long it took. Ive never ever seen that much traffic/police cars/ fire engines / ambulances. all because of some rain! We definately need a new drainage system in place so that sort of thing doesnt happen!
 anyways other than that it was a good day, Laura got some things for her holiday, and while we were stuck in traffic we did entertain ourselves with smooth radio blasting and singing alone to some very old school tunes, we got some funny looks! i think we made one womans day she walked past as we were using our phones as microphones blasting along to whitney houston. she laughed to say the least haha.
 when we did eventually get home i was pleased! i didnt think we would. there was one point where i went the wrong turn off and ended up BACK on the felling bypass going towards newcastle.... i was so close to tears. but there was no way i was sitting in that going the wrong way... so our solution? shove the hazard lights on and hit reverse! hahaha. cant say ive ever driven so dangerously but it was worth it. had to reverse right back up the slip road haha good thing i could see if anything was coming down it.

On friday i went shopping with Jamie :)
got some new shoes from new look to wear on friday night
Despite not being in the mood to go out i had a night out with my friends Courtney Owen Katie Martin and my friend Laura from college, i enjoyed most of the night.  but it was just nice to be out of the house and drunk.
spent a while playing around with my hair and make up for the occasion.

Wore my new black dress that i mentioned in the previous post. its pretty see through on the top half oops

these are some of the nicest pictures from the night, its a shame i didnt get a picture of the whole dress its lovely and has a dipped hem :)

On Saturday I got up pretty early and dragged jamie to mcdonalds with me for a breakfast (very mean since he is on a diet, sorry jamie!) then we went to his for a cuppa then mine and watched confessions of a shopaholic and played batman lego 2 and watched random you tube videos all day :) was a nice day.
On the night me and courtney decided we were bored and that trocs and glitterball were on the cards lol. then ended up in mcdonalds :)
Nom. 2 mcdonalds in one day! arent i a rebel. lol

sunday i went to see ige age 4! Amazing film. I love all of the ice age films.
I love kids films in general.
seen some good adverts for some new ones coming out too

got a letter today tell me to go into college on thursday to sort out stuff for my level 3 in september yay!! glad  i got on, dunno what id do if i hadnt, ive never enjoyed anything else as much as hairdressing!


Wednesday 27 June 2012

Tattooooooooooooo :)

Adventure is out there :)
My brand new UP tattoo <3

Its still a little sore! but didnt hurt as much as i thought it would at all. was just the same as getting my lyrics on the side of my ribs :)

I went shopping and bought this earlier in the week to make me happy

I love anything with studs on <3 so i seen this and fell in love!
I also bought a lovely dress but i havent gotten round to taking a photo yet :) 

Off to the pictures tonight :) havent been in what feels like ages.

completely finished all of my college work and handed it all in, so i dont have to go in today though i think im still gunna have a wander over soon and see everyone


Monday 25 June 2012

tattoooo and college

Getting a foot tattoo later. flip!
Nervous! its meant to sting on the foot.
but im brave ! ...... lol

I wish someone was coming with meeeeeeee :( gunna be alone and scary! eek.

Its a qoute from UP :)
which is one of my favourite disney films.

I am excited. been up since 5am and couldn't get back to sleep. only now when its 7am and my alarm has gone off to get up and ready for college am i tired again! typical! haha. ah well nothing a cuppa won't sort? :)

Its also my hand in day at college today. My printer has no ink, how irritating. so gotta print off all my work in the library, cant wait to just print it and get it all handed in, woop! cant wait to be done for the 6 weeks and just reeeeelax! Hope i get onto level 3, fingers crossed.

bought some new clothes the other day, will probably do a proper post later


Friday 22 June 2012

vivienne westwood, graduating nails :)


I got some shoes in the post earlier in the week.
ebay is my wonderful friend <3
vivienne westwood <3
I cant tell if they are real or fake or whatever but i like them and tbh i couldnt care for a fraction of the price lol :) there pretty and comfy and make me happy so thats all that matters right?  lol :)

I am in love with vivienne westwood shoes at the moment, i really want these two pairs there luuuuush

But since they are waaaay too expensive i will just have to keep dreaming! Maybe one day when i win the lottory :P

 Tried my hand at graduating nails this morning from one colour to another... its a bit messy but for a first attempt i like it :)

I miss painting my nails all funky, we arent supposed to wear nail varnish at work unless its 'natural' so i dont paint them as much anymore since i forget to take it off, but i love funky nail varnish it gives my nails a bit personality instead of being boring. so i chose these colours to brighten up my day :)
i think next i may have a go at splatter nails or water marbling :)
or using crystals on one nail or something :)

 i finish my level 2 nvq in hairdressing next week! cant wait.
Ive still got 10 case studies to write, i typed up 8 of them last night after work, ended up staying up until half 2 in the morning, but i just couldnt sleep knowing i needed to do them so i had to get some out of the way. Im going to try and do the others now. I wish i had taken photographs of everything that id done, il remember that for my level 3. because finding suitable pictures on the internet is harder than i thought!

ah whey, i best get typing, urgh!!! someone do it for me? ha.
